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How to Run Horizontal Band Saw


Woodworking band saw machine is a machine that uses high-speed saw wheel to drive saw blade to cut wood. The following points should be paid attention to during operation:


1) Do a comprehensive inspection before starting the machine, and check in detail whether all parts of the machine and safety protection devices are in good condition, whether the saw blade is undamaged and cracked, and whether there are iron nails, lead wire heads or other hard sundries on the wood before starting the machine.

2) After starting the machine, the feed can only be started when the saw blade reaches a high rotating speed. The feed speed should be controlled according to the hardness of the material, the presence or absence of knots, cracks and the thickness of sawing material. Attention should be paid to the saw mouth when feeding, and it should be steady and slow when entering the saw, not too hard. In case the saw blade is damaged and cuts people.

3) During sawing, always observe the movement of the saw blade in operation. If the saw blade moves forward and backward, making a sound of breaking and other abnormal phenomena, immediately stop the machine to prevent the saw blade from breaking and hurting people.

4) When operating, keep a certain distance between the hand and the saw blade, the distance shall not be less than 50cm, and do not extend the hand through the saw blade to prevent hand injury.

5) When sawing, it is not allowed to adjust the guide rail while sawing. When the saw blade is running, it is not allowed to adjust the saw card to prevent accidents.

6) laid hands on him when sending back wood, should pay attention to the position of the wood and saw blade, in order to avoid wood collision or top off the saw blade. If there is a phenomenon of saw clamping during sawing, the wood saw mouth shall be separated by hands, and the saw blade shall not fall back, so as to prevent the saw blade from falling off. When there is blockage such as broken wood in the saw blade passage on the worktable, the saw blade shall be peeled off with a wooden stick. If necessary, the saw blade shall be shut down and removed. The saw blade must not be removed by hand to prevent hand injury.

7) when unloading saw blade, must cut off the power supply, such as saw blade stopped after; When changing the saw blade, hold it firmly to prevent the saw blade from bouncing and hurting people.

These are the related contents introduced by the horizontal band saw machine, hoping to be helpful to everyone.

This article's website: //jamfee.cn/en/news/453.html

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Dongtai Tangyang Band Saw Machinery Co., Ltd.
(Jiangsu dongju machinery technology co., ltd.)

Address: No.16 Xinhong Machinery Pioneer Park, Tangyang Town, Dongtai City, Jiangsu ProvinceEmail:dtdjjx@126.com
Hotline: 139-0141-5063Tel: 0515-69989788